The surge 2 builds
The surge 2 builds

You can do this by using your Spincutter to debuff, Maelstrom to self-buff and then Flash Blink through the boss for instant 2 + orbs generation if properly hit. Engaging into the fight, you want to start off by generating 2-3 Death Orbs.Note that countering on a Deathblade isn't very difficult so this is only a alternative for non-counterable fights. Polestar Polestar, Weak Point Detection Polestar, Vital Point Hit Polestar, Moon Star can be used instead of Earth Cleaver for extra stack generation if a boss has no or extremely limited counters.Void Strike can use the Void Strike, Dark Dimension instead for early levels, this is slower however viable for fights where you have enough time to easily cast this as it has a way larger AoE and will give slightly more Surge stacks.Once in Death Trance you can re-activate it to cast Deathblade Surge, with the Surge the damage is dependent on the amount of stacks of Surge you build before using it. Deathblade Surge is your active identity gauge ability.When you have 1 or more Death Orbs it gives you mana/cooldown back and a buff for as long as your Death Orb gauge is not depleted or activated with Deathblade Surge Death Trance is your identity gauge skill.Flash Blink is your awakening ability used primarily to start with a quick boost to your Death Orb gauge to then go into Death Trance.Void Strike is your secondary Surge stacking ability and also your secondary Death Orb generation.Blitz Rush is your main damage ability during Death Trance stacking up Surge.Maelstrom self-buff/party buff for initial and in between orb generation boost that increases movement and attack speed party-wide.Earth Cleaver is a fast counter ability and quick damage with good stagger and Weak Point Lv.1 and medium stagger for Death Orb generation between rotations. Soul Absorber good damage, Weak Point Lv.Dark Axel is used to jump over bosses instantly getting behind them for easy back hits.Spincutter primary debuff and utility mobility/repositioning ability.Wind Cut is your primary Surge stacking ability.


At 356 upgrade Wind Cut to 10 and add Wind Cut, Thick Sword Energy.At 328 upgrade Earth Cleaver to 10 and add Earth Cleaver, Earth Explosion.At 300 re-upgrade Earth Cleaver to 7 and add Earth Cleaver, Weak Point Detection.

the surge 2 builds

  • At 284 downgrade Earth Cleaver to 4 and upgrade Spincutter to level 10 adding Spincutter, Triple Spin.
  • At 272 upgrade Earth Cleaver to 7 and add Earth Cleaver, Weak Point Detection.
  • At 256 upgrade Spincutter to 7 and add Spincutter, Quick Prep.
  • While you have to position yourself behind the boss you compensate with your great mobility skill Dark Axel to jump right over bosses or Spincutter around them to get in position! Punishing to miss but great team synergy and damage output, with little to no mana or cooldown issues due to your Death Trance. The "Mini-game" Deathblade Raid Build, jumping over bosses spinning around them dashing through while stacking up your Surge to do massive amounts of damage! Do you like getting MVP almost every time!? Look no further Surge-Blade will get you there.

    The surge 2 builds